Saturday 7 July 2012

A tres meses de ti/Separated from you by three months

Y si el deseo pudiera medirse en tiempo, te deseo dos años y medio. Los que me has tenido seducido por una vieja promesa que contiene un futuro mejor. De ti oí hablar como se hablan de los idilios hace ya un lustro. Y no quise creerlo porque andaba desenamorado, sin ilusiones ni guías que me engrandecieran por dentro. Me resultabas extraña, arisca, perdida, lejana. Pensaba en ti incrédulo y aún sin ponerte cara cuando en una tertulia cruzaba tu nombre, siempre a iniciativa del otro. Poco a poco fuiste conquistando espacios a grandes saltos como canguros, monopolizando territorios hasta monotematizar mi pensamiento. Como un amor impensable que se cuela discreto por una ranura y una vez dentro agita mi admiración. Por veces creo que mi comportamiento es estúpido, que no hay razón para temblar por ti ni latir tan apresuradamente. Que es inútil seguir amando así. Quizá sea por miedo a seguir aquí.

And if the love could be weighed up by the time, I love you since two years and half ago. Along this time you have attracted me because of an old promise what contains a better future. I have heard about you exactly the same as romances five years ago. And I didn't want to believe it because I wasn't in love with anyone, and without hope and guidance to make me bigger. You were for me weird, unfriendly, lost, distant. I was gullible when I thought of you, and I could'nt identify you yet, when you were mentioned in a conversation, motivated by the other one. Step by step you were conquering spaces of my life like a kangaroo, colonising territories until the point of domaining my thought. Similar to an unbelieveable love what gets into slot of a door and since it is inside shakes my admiration. Sometimes I believe that my behaviour is foolish, that there isn't reason to shiver by you but my heart beats so fastly... That isn't useful to keep on loving so. Perhaps it's produced by the fear to keep on staying here.  

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