Monday, 10 December 2012

Crow Attack

In 1963 Melanie Daniels suffered a attack by tons of gulls. Fortunately the attack wasn’t real and her name was fictitious. Tippi Hedren was the american actress who performed the role of a millionaire magnate´s daugther. ‘Birds’ is one of the most famous movies by Alfred Hitchok and a classic film. Sorry for disappointing you. Honestly this is not a review article, but an excuse to let you know an embarrasing experience.  
I remembered the scene where Melanie is being attacked by the gulls as a result of a hazardous episode which happened in my life. I have been a victim of a crow attack. It ocurred this afternoon while I was ambling on my way home. I heard a bird flying near to me and when I looked up at the sky I realized it had tried to attack me.
At first I thought I had got rid of the crow but when I saw it was attacking me again and again I started getting nervous. It didn’t help me when I shook my bag to scare the brave black bird. It was more agressive and persistent. You can’t imagine how frightened I was. I am a hunter and I have never wanted to kill other bird much more than it. But without a shotgun in my hands I ran into my house to avoid the pecks of the crow. It followed me for an endless couple of minutes until I turned the corner. The scene was quite ridiculous. A man escaping from the claws of a bird. The next 200 hundred metres until reaching my room weren’t easy because I constanstly span my head to check the animal wasn’t behind of me.      

A note:
Australian bicycle riders are used to protect into their heads with helmets, which are covered by plastic bridles. It’s the way to keep magpies far away because the brightness of the helmets pay its attention but I didn´t know crows could be attracted for the same reasons. The picture I upload doesn’t correspond with the same crow which attacked me today. I deserve to live in peace. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

todo el mal infligido a los animales durante tus años de cazador te está siendo devuelto