Saturday 22 September 2012

From Brisbane with all my Love

Brisbane River.
Story Bridge.

First 31 hours I have spent out of home haven't been bad at all, taking into account the number of stopovers. Appart from an unexpected happen, solved on the way to the aeroplane, and a stopover at Singapor airport, I was able to know more lavatories in a few hours than in 28 years. I have been sleeping 5 extra hours yesterday and three more today, after walking around Brisbane river. Along my walk (for 6 hours) I found different animals. I drop you some postcards from Brisbane with all my love. Here you can see crows and doves, but also iguanas and wildlife, such as you can see in the photographies. It´s not time for comments because currently all is being anecdotic. For example, the taxi driver who brought me from the airport to the backpacker since where i am writing now this post. I am sure I helped him more than me. His GPS didnt know the street where we were going to, I had to look up a map I got at the airport to find the street and then he checked it at Yellow Pages. “Do you know if my neigbourhood is dangerous?” “All Australia is dangerous. In your suburb you´ll find people are drunk, a lot of pubs, streaptease…”. (Bad life you would be here, dear Sepu).
I was quieter since I left the cab (australian taxi), after paying 45 australian dollars and take out my suitcases by myself. Without saying goodbye, ¿true my appreciated taxi driver? Remember it.
My family didnt trust arab airline, and after all, it has been my best experience. A box of presents: blanket, toothbrush, toothpaste, food each 5 hours, and drink each 2 hours. Moreover, every passenger has a  personal screen to watch movies, serials, play... Never ever  I have eaten so much for being on a seat. 
Answering a repetitive question what most of you make me, I will tell you Australia has been since its birth a country of inmigrants, with a strong presence of asian continent. If you are asking me how about australian women?, I will answer you, dude, ¿do you like asian fellows?  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Tiene pinta de que no va mal la cosa.
Ya nos contarás como prosperan tus gestiones de alojamiento, trabajo... y cuando es la mejor época para "drop in and pay you a visit".

Un abrazo pollo